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Our Blog - Wollongong & Illawarra - Stuart Johnston Electrical

When Your Circuit Breaker Keeps Tripping

Circuit trips are common faults in circuit breakers. When there is a power overloadcaused bya lightning strike or when too many outlets are draining too much power, the circuit breaker protects the circuit by switching off. Here’s what to do in the case of a circuit...

How To Wire A Backup Generator To Your House

No matter how efficient your power supply is, it would be best if you always planned for emergencies in case of power outages.That is why you get backup generators.  The recent power blackouts in Texas, USA, further emphasize the need to get a backup power supply to...

How To Install A Wall Socket

Wiring can look like a dicey affair, but it’s a pretty simple job. However, it is advisable to call a professional electrician to check if you’ve connected it safely. Ensure that you’ve turned off the power supply before starting, and be sure it’s legal to carry out...

Essential Electrical Safety Tips You Need to Know for Your Home

Electricity is essential for our survival. We use it for our cooking, warmth, entertainment, lighting, and many other things. But it can also be as hazardous to us as it is useful, so be mindful of that! Statistics show that 40% of all residential fires are caused by...

Wollongong Electrician

Wollongong, Our Beautiful Coastal City. With beautiful beaches for surfing and family fun, a large lagoon for boating and fishing, rock pools and magical forrest trails for so many adventures… No wonder it is such a sought after place to call home. Whether you...

Are You Looking For A Level 2 Electrician In Albion Park?

If You Are Undergoing Renovations, Or Even If You Aren’t, A Great Local Level 2 Electrician Is One That You Keep On Speed Dial In Your Phone. A Level 2 Electrician is qualified and authorised to carry out Residential or Commercial Metering, Installations,...

Wondering If You Can Get Any Electrical Work Done?

Uncertain About Electrical Services During COVID-19? There are many electrical services that you can still receive whilst maintaining the coronavirus no contact and social distancing. The Majority Of Commercial Electrical Services, Level 2 Services Or Cabling Services...

Do Your Home Renovations Require A Level 2 Service Provider?

Do You Require An Overhead Service, Underground Connection Or Any Live Work? For electrical work that requires the lowering of your overhead lines, any work involving your underground services or any live work, you will need a quality, accredited Level 2 electrical...